Bachelor of Business (Accounting)

BUS210 Advanced Financial Accounting 2024 T2

A deeper appreciation of accounting theories and a closer look at contemporary issues will enhance the understanding of the framework and standards which underpin accounting practices. This unit aims to further educate students in their knowledge of financial accounting and its relationship with ethics. Students will learn extended accounting theories in addition to applying their prior body of knowledge. Students will investigate key topics such as decision usefulness approach, agency theory, earnings management and accounting standard setting.

BUS209 Auditing and Assurance Services 2024 T2

Auditing provides reasonable assurance to third party users of financial statements regarding the financial position of a company. This unit aims to provide students with an understanding of internal and external auditing practices. Students will examine the legal and ethical obligations of an auditor in forensic accounting and detection of fraud and error under auditing standards. They will also be able to identify and align regulatory frameworks and auditing standards while performing auditing practices using quantitative methods.

Teacher: Daley Mok